Mafra was the first Portuguese municipality to implement the ColorADD system in a PDM, making the interpretation of geographical documents more inclusive and universal through the identification of colors.
This example of good practice in universal accessibility was presented on July 2 at the XII IGOT-ULisboa Conference - Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning for Geography Teachers, organized by the Institute of the University of Lisbon. With Mafra's Municipal Master Plan (PDM) as a reference case as a pioneering and innovative project in the adaptation of the Color Alphabet, the presentation of the ColorADD system was based on demonstrating the profoundly functional nature of Color, because color is not just aesthetic or emotional, in countless cases in our daily lives color represents organization, choice, orientation, as it does in a structural document such as the PDM.
The moment was shared by Miguel Neiva, creator of ColorADD, and Rogério Madeira, a geographer from the Planning and Spatial Planning Division of the Urbanism and Planning and Territorial Management Department of Mafra City Council, who is responsible for the exemplary implementation of this accessibility.