The emotion and joy of Football were experienced in Leiria during Allianz Cup. ColorADD was present in the Fan Zone in a space dedicated to two fundamental themes: environmental sustainability and social impact. Furthermore, the presence of the ColorADD project at this Final Four led to a remarkable initiative in which former Portuguese internationals football players Beto and Domingos saw the semi-final of the competition from the point of view of a colorblind person, accompanied by Miguel Neiva, the creator of ColorADD code and by several colorblind people with whom they shared the space on the bench and the sensations they experienced with this new perspective.
Domingos Paciência stated that this point of view is a "headache" as there is an additional effort realizing that red is a challenge for colorblind people and that there are 350 million people around the world who live with this condition.
Beto Pimparel also appeared “surprised”. "The way that colorblind people see the game is extraordinary. I was talking to some of them during the game and I didn't know there were so many colorblind football players. I was even more touched", he said regarding this challenge which left him even more convinced that "it is essential to make sport inclusive for everyone."